Distinguished Faces of the Class
40th Reunion

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Distinguished Faces
Bill Junk Jim Tompkins Brigitte Nitz Wenig Cheryl Beasley Wheaton John Green Sheila Byers Mike Brady Carl Brood Mel (Craig) Kincaid Everett Paul Steve Ayers Mark Reisenauer Larry Tobiska Dodie Cook Ruzicki Mike Doherty Chuck Hosack Kathy Bockmier Berrigan Bill Berrigan Connie Hoffman Haslett Mary Cossairt Spilva Jim Iverson Jerry Cooksey Dan Crimmins Boyce Mitchell Francis Bunch Bowles Donald Kirkpatric (Pat) Pope Tom Helbling Jim Fisher Dave Knapik Nancy Bledsoe Flodin Joanie Harrison Neary Janice Johnson Sayler Betty Dahl Shows Cheryl Clark Ennis Cheryl Nelson Skogen Jim Culpepper Kathryn Buchanan Maynard John O'Laughlin Susie Smith Tracy Denny Sumner Bruce Nygaard Verne Windham Steve Weber Genie Haupt Casey Kay Wallace Miller Robert Pierson Vicki Thornton McGahan Kate (Kathy) Gale Reynolds Pat Gayman Bates Marcia Dare Frank Burlison Roger Anderson Mary Rose Weber Tully Cheryl Pitkin Hatch Bill Moore Rich Griffin Steve Bell Jack Porter Gary Tribble Mick Weinmann Bill Sever Janet Finley Sinclair Kathy Ardrey Marquardt Dave Witcher Ron Randall Charlie Wallace Sandy Hofmann McCormick Sharon Sims Flodin Bonnie Nelson Aplington Linda Ward Johnson Corky Johnson Nancy Million Lytle Bill Greene George Wendt JoAnn Moore Shockley Gordon Rydholm Lynn Marchant Cheryl Doty Kopf Marian Anderson Leighty Judi Craig Estes Martha Weber Hocutt John Wilson Dave Engels Kathy Rogers Crossler Phil Crossler
Distinguished Faces

I didn't find pictures of all that were there.. and some that I did get were too light.. too dark.. too strange... When I found them.. I used them but there are some I would appreciate a hand with.  If anyone has good pictures they'd like to have included - particularly of those I don't show here, please send them along. (Latest find - Francis Bunch Bowles)

Top Row Phil and Kathy (Rogers) Crossler, Dave Engels, John Wilson, Martha Weber Hocutt, Judi Craig Estes, Marian Anderson Leighty, Cheryl Doty Kopf, Lynn Marchant, Gordon Rydholm, JoAnn Moore Shockley, George Wendt, Bill Greene, Nancy Million Lytle
Next Row Corky and Linda (Ward) Johnson, Bonnie Nelson Aplington, Sharon Sims Flodin, Sandy Hofmann McCormick, Charlie Wallace, Ron Randall, Dave Witcher, Kathy Ardrey, Janet Finley Sinclair, Bill Sever, Mick Weinmann, Gary Tribble, Jack Porter.
Next Row Steve Bell, Rich Griffin, Bill Moore, Cheryl Pitkin Hatch, Mary Rose Weber Tully, Roger Anderson, Frank Burlison, Marcia Dare, Pat Gayman Bates, Kate Gale Reynolds, Vicki Thornton McGahan, Bob Pierson, Kay Wallace Miller, Genie Haupt Casey, Steve Weber.
Next Row Verne Windham, Bruce Nygaard, Denny Sumner, Susie Smith Tracy, John O'Laughlin, Kathryn Buchanan Maynard, Jim Culpepper, Cheryl Nelson Skogen, Cheryl Clark Ennis, Betty Dahl Shows, Janice Johnson Sayler, Joanie Harrison Neary, Nancy Bledsoe Flodin, Dave Knapik
Next Row Jim Fisher, Tom Helbling, Pat Pope, Francis Bunch Bowles, Boyce Mitchell, Dan Crimmins, Jerry Cooksey, Jim Iverson, Mary Cossairt Spilva, Connie Hoffman Haslett, Bill and Kathy (Bockmier) Berrigan, Chuck Hosack, Mike Doherty
Bottom Row   Dodie Cook Ruzicki, Larry Tobiska, Mark Reisenauer, Steve Ayers, Everett Paul, Mel (Craig) Kincaid, Carl Brood, Mike Brady, Sheila Byers, John Green, Cheryl Beasley Wheaton, Brigitte Nitz Wenig, Jim Tompkins, Bill Junk
NOTE:  A large "Thank you" to Marcia Dare.. whom I still adore after she found numerous spelling errors on this page....

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